Islamic Education Part two (English)

Islamic Education Part Two

Q. What is the religion of Islam?
A. Islam is that path upon which Allah can be recognized.

Q. How can a person find this path?
A. This path can be found by means of the messengers of Allah

Q. How many pillars of Islam are there?
A. There are five pillars of Islam.

Q. what are these?
A. they are as follows
1. To state “Kalima Shahadat” by the tongue and accept it by heart.
2. To perform Namaz
3. To give Zakat.
4. To fast in the month of Ramadan.
5. To perform hajj.

Q. What is the “Kalima shahadat” and what does it mean?
A. This is Kalima Shahadat:
“Ash hado al la ila ha illAllah o wahdaho la sharika lahoo wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan ab du hu wa Rasooluh”.
Meaning:” I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is his beloved servant and messenger.”

Q. If person prays the Kalima Shahadat by his tongue but does not believe it in his heart then is that person a Muslim?
A. A person like this is never a Muslim.

Q. What is ‘Iman’?
A. To believe all the things brought by our Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam from Allah is called Imaan.

Q. How many things should a Muslim believe in; which are compulsory?
A. There are seven things to believe in, these are mentioned in “Imaan Mufassal”
Amanto billahi wamala ikatihee wakutoobihi wa rusoolihi walyawmil akhiri wal qadri khayrihi washarrihi minAllah I Ta’ala walba’si ba’dal maut”

“I have believe in Allah, his Angels, his Books, his Messengers, on the day of judgment, and that goodness and non good things of destiny are all from Allah, and I also believe in being raised from the dead by Allah”.

Q. What is kufr?
A. To disbelieve in any of the things that are compulsory to believe in Islam.


Q. Regarding to Allah what should we believe?
A. Allah is one, pure, and clean from all defects. He is the only one worthy of worship. He has no beginning nor does he have an end. He has no partner.

The earth, sky, stars, sun, everything was created by him alone, and he is the master of all things. He has the ability to make a person rich or poor. He gives things life and death by his command. He is pure from and relations e.g. Father, mother, son, daughter, etc. He does face or body nothing is like Him, he is free from any position or place.

Q. Can we say Allah Miya?
A. No Allah miya should not be said.

Q. Who’s names are “Khaliq, Razzaq, Rahman”?
A. These names are all of Allah

Q. If people have names such as “Abdul Haq or Abdul Razzaq or Abdur Rahman or Abdul Qayyum can we call these people by names such as “Haq, Razzaq, Rahman, Qayyum ?
A. To do this is Haram (strictly forbidden)

The Angels of Allah

Q. What are angels?
A. Like mankind, angels are a. creation of Allah , but they are made of light. They are not of man or women. They do not eat or drink. They perform all the duties that Allah has given them.

Some angels write down a person’s good and bad dead in their graves; and some angels take Durood Sharif to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Q) What are the names of those angels who write down our good and bad deeds?
A. They are called “Kiraman and Katibeen”.

Q. What do we call them angels who ask questions to the dead in their graves?
A. They are called “Munkar and Nakeer”

Q. How many angels are there?
A. There are countless angels of Allah. The total amounts of angels are know by Allah and by revelation his Prophet (peace be upon him) but there are four popular angels.

Q. Can you name these four angels?
A. 1.”Hazrat Jibraeel” (Peace be on him) who passes the messages of Allah to his messengers.
2. “Hazrat Israfeel” (peace be on him) who is blow the horn on the day of judgment.
3. “Hazrat Mikaeel” (peace be on him)
who is controlling the rainfall and sending wealth.
4. “Hazrat Izraeel” (peace on him) who has a duty of taking out souls of living things.


Q. How many books are there of Allah?
A. Allah has sent down a great deal of books the larger books were called Kitabs, and the smaller books were called Sahigas. However, there four very popular Kitabs.

Q. What are thes4e four Kitabs Called and upon whom were they revealed to?
A. 1. Tauret, revealed to Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him)
2. Zaboor, revealed to Hazrat Da’ud (peace be upon him)
3. Injeel, revealed to Hazrat Eisa (peace be upon him)
4. Quran, revealed to Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam

Q. Are these books still available today?
A. All the books are available. However, apart form the Holy Quran the rest have been altered and tampered by the Jews and Christians and the originals cannot be obtained.

Q. Has the Holy Quran been tampered with?
A. No, definitely not. it is unaltered from the time of the Holy Prophet and will remain so, until the day of Qayamat.

Q. How can there be no change in the Holy Quran?
A. Because Allah has taken sole responsibility to protect it, no person can alter it.

Q. How many Sahifas have been revealed and to which messengers?
A. The total amount of Sahifas (booklets) are only known by Allah and by revealing, his Prophet. However some Sahifas were revealed to Hazrat Adam (peace be on him) some to Hazrat Shees(peace be on him) some to Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be on him) apart from these, there are still others too.

Rasool and Nabi (Messengers and Prophets)

Q. Who are Rasool and Nabi?
A. Rasool and Nabi are the beloved servants of Allah, and they are human. Allah has sent them down for the guidance of the people. They preach the command of Allah to His people. They show miracles and speak of things unseen (ghaib) they never lie, and are pure from all sins.

Q. Are angels Nabis too?
A. No. Nabis are human beings only.

Q. How many Nabis are there?
A. More or less than 124.000 or more or less 224.000. The correct number is known to Allah and by his showing our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him.)

Q. Who was the first Prophet?
A. Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him)

Q. Who was the last Prophet?
A. Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace be on him)

Q. Are there going to be any Nabis now?
A. There will be no Nabi now. This is because our holy Prophet (peace be upon him) is the seal of the prophets. If a person doubts this, then he is a Kafir

Q. Who is the highest ranked, of the Rasools?
A. The most highest ranked of all the Rasools and Nabis is our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him). After Allah, he has the highest rank.

Q. Can we write (S.A.W) after the name of a Prophet?
A. The full Durood, peace be upon him should be written, to write (p.b.u.h.) (s.a.w.) Etc. is Haram.


Q. Which day do we call Qayamt?
A. Qayamat is the day when all man, animals, earth, skies, mountain, everything will be destroyed. Only Allah will remain.

Q. How will everything be destroyed?
A. Hazrat Israfeel (peace be on him) will blow the soor. From the sound of it everybody, everything will be destroyed, Even Hazrat Israfeel and his horn will be destroyed.

Q. What is a soor?
A Soor is a thing similar to that of a horn of an animal.

Q. When will Qayamat come?
A. The correct time for Qayamat is known by Allah and his showing, the Prophet (peace be upon him). All we know is that it will be upon the 10th of moharram, and that the day will be a Friday. However our Prophet (peace be upon him) has given us a great deal of sings for Qayamat. By seeing these signs the near time of Qayamat can be known.

Q. Can you mention a few signs of Qayamat?
A. There will be a great deal of sins done. People will openly do Haram acts, people will be cruel to there parents and be friendly with others, rich people will find it difficult to give Zakat, the knowledge of Islam will be studied for worldly luxuries, there will be a great increase in dance and music, bad people will be the leaders of the public, the once poorest people will be living in massive buildings and will have money, there will be massive earthquakes.

Taqdeer (Destiny)

Q. What is Taqdeer (Destiny)?
A. What ever happens in this world and what good or bad, people do. Allah has written this down from the very beginning. This is Taqdeer.

Q. Does this mean that whatever Allah has written down, is compulsory for us to do?
A. No! Allah has already written down what we are going to do. If bad deeds were written in a person’s destiny, this is because he/she will do sins in this world. If he/she was going to do good deeds then reward would be written down in his destiny.

Rising after being dead

Q. What do we mean by “rising after dead”?
A. After the day of Qayamat, when everything will be destroyed. When Allah wishes he will create Hazrat Israfeel and his horn. When the horn is blown the second time everything will be raised, and they will go to the field of Hashr. There will be an account for every person for their good and bad deeds and they will be rewarded according to this, i.e. Good people will go to Jannat (paradise), and bad people will go to Jahannum (hell).

Q. If every person believes in everything in Iman –Mufassal by his tongue and heart but does not perform Namaz, Roza, Zakat, or Hajj is he still counted as a Muslim?
A. He is a Muslim but such a person is a grave sinner, and against the command of Allah. Such a person is Fasiq and Fajir (wrongdoer)

Q. If a person prays Namaz, Fasts etc. And believes everything of Iman-Mufassal but is insulting and be rude to the Prophet (peace be upon him) is this person a Muslim?
A. No! Such a person is a Kafir (infidel) and murtad (apostate)

Q. If a person does not insult the Prophet but purposely believes that those who insult the Prophet are Muslim. Is such a Person regarded as a Muslim?
A. No! This person too is a Kafir and Murtad (renegade)

Chapter of action

Q. What things are necessary before starting Namaz?
A. Before starting Namaz seven conditions need to be fulfilled.

Q. What are these seven conditions?
A. 1. The body has to be clean.
2. The clothes have to be clean.
3. The place of praying Namaz has to be clean.
4. Satr-e-awrat(covering the body)
5. It should be the time of praying Namaz
6. To face the Qibla.
7. To make the niyat (intention) for Namaz. These seven things are called “sharait-e-namaz”

The first necessary condition of Namaz

Q. What do we mean by keeping the body clean?
A. There should be no sign of ‘Najasat Haqiqiya’, or ‘Najasat Hukmi’

Q. How many types of impurities (Najasats) are there?
A. There are two types of impurities, one is ‘Najasat Haqiqiya’ and the other one is Najasat Hukmi.

Q. What is Najasat Haqiqiya?
A. This is an impurity which can be seen directly e.g. Urine, blood etc.

Q. What is Najasat Hukmi?
A. This is an impurity which cannot be seen directly, but is known because of the Islamic law, e.g. Those situations which makes it compulsory for a person to perform bathing or Wuzu.
There are two types of Najasat Hukmi,
1. Hadath-e-Asgar. (Small)
2. Hadath-e-Akbar. (large)

Q. How does the body become clean from hadath-e-Asgar?
A. When person performs Wuzu.


Q. What is Wuzu?
A. To wash both hands up till the wrists
To wash the mouth.
To wash the inside of the nose.
To wash the whole face.
To wash both arms including the elbows
To wipe the head with wet hands (masah).
To wash both feet up to the ankles. This is called Wuzu

Q. Are all the these things necessary in Wuzu?
A. No. Only those things are necessary which we call Farz (compulsory). If a Farz is missed then Wuzu will not be made some things are Sunnat. If the Sunnat is missed then Wuzu is still performed. But if you do these Sunnats then the reward will be given and the reward would be greater.

Q. How many Farz (compulsory) are there in Wuzu?
A. There are four Farz of Wuzu
1. To wash the face, from the point where the hair starts to grow till the bottom of the chin, and from one earlobe to the other.
2. To wash both arms including the elbows.
3. To wipe your wet hands over one quarter of your head.
4. To wash both feet including the ankles.

Q. How many Sunnats are there in Wuzu?
A. There are sixteen Sunnats in Wuzu,
1 To perform niyyat (intention)for Wuzu
2 To say Bismillah
3 To wash both hands up to the wrists three times.
4 To perform miswaak (clean teeth via a stick)
5 To gargle three times by using the right hand.
6 To suck up water into the nose by using the right hand.
7 To clean the nose by using the left hand.
8 To pass fingers through the beard.
9 To pass the fingers through each other and through the toes.
10 To wash each part three times.
11 To pass the wet hand over the full head.
12 To wipe the outside of the ears.
13 To perform Wuzu in order.
14 To wipe those hairs of the beard which are outside the borings of the face.
15 To wash the parts of Wuzu one after the other. In other words before on part becomes dry wash the other
16 To stay away from those things which are Makrooh (disliked)

Q. How many Mustahabs (preferable) are there in Wuzu?
A. There are sixty five Mustahabs in Wuzu which are stated in the book Bahar-e-Shariat.

Q. What is Makrooh?
A. Makrooh are those things, which make Wuzu acceptable but incomplete.

Q. How many things are Makrooh in Wuzu?
A. There are 21 things that are Makrooh in Wuzu,
1 To perform Wuzu with water left over from another Wuzu.
2 To sit on an impure place during Wuzu.
3 To run the water of Wuzu on the impure place.
4 To perform Wuzu inside a Masque (Jamaat Khana)
5 To run the drops of water from the parts of Wuzu in to the bucket to water used.
6 To put mucus from the nose and mouth into the bucket of water used.
7 To spit or pour water from the nose or mouth in the direction of the Qibla.
8 To talk about worldly things without reason.
9 To use more water than necessary.
10 To use so little water that the Sunnats of Wuzu cannot be performed.
11 To splash water on to the face.
12 To blow when pouring water on to the face.
13 To wash the face by using one hand.
14 To wipe the throat with the hands.
15 To gargle or suck water into the nose by using the left hand.
16 To clean the nose by using the right hand
17 To have a container etc. Only for yourself.
18 To wipe the head three times each time washing the hands
19 To dry the parts of Wuzu (but this can be done in cold weather)
20 To do Wuzu by using water which has been warmed by the sun.
21 To deliberately miss a Sunnat.

Q. What things break Wuzu?
A. 1 To excrete
2 To pass urine.
3 For anything to come out of the urinal or anal passage.
4 To pass wind.
5 For blood or puss to come out and flow from a part of the body.
6 To vomit (a mouthful), food, water, or mucus.
7 To sleep in such a way that the joints of the body become loose.
8 To fall unconscious
9 To become mentally disabled.
10 To faint.
11 To be drunk in anything in such a way that it is difficult to wake properly.
12 To laugh loudly during Namaz in such a way that the people around you listen when you are performing any Namaz which has Rukooh and Sajda.
13 For water to run form a hurting eye.

Ghusl (bathing)

Q. How can we clean our body from Hadath-e-Akbar?
A. By performing ghusl, the body can become pure from Hadath-e-Akbar.

Q. What is ghusl?
A. To bathe is called Ghusl.
The Islamic way is to perform the intention of ghusl first.
Wash both hands to the wrist three times.
Wash the private parts of the body.
Wash any najast Haqiqiya (e.g. Urine) from any part of the body.
do wuzu like you do for Namaz but do not wash your feet. If you are on a bench etc. Then wash your feet as well.
Then massage water on your body like you massage oil.
Then pass water three times on your right shoulder.
Then pass water three times on your left shoulder.
Then pass water on your head and whole of the body three times
wipe your hand on the whole body. After ghusl, and drying, quickly put back on your clothes.

Q. How many Farz are there in ghusl?
A. There are three Farz in ghusl
1. To perform gargle i.e. To clean the mouth out thoroughly.
2. To wash the inside of the nose thoroughly.
3. To wash the whole body so that not a hair point is left dry.

Q. How many Sunnats are there in ghusl?
A. The Sunnats are ghusl are as follows;

1 To perform the intention of ghusl.
2 To wash both hands up to the wrists three times.
3 To wash the private parts of the body.
4 To wash those places on which there is Najasat (impurity).
5 To perform wuzu like Namaz.
6 To massage water up the body like oil.
7 To pour the water on the right shoulder then the left and then the head and after that pour water all over the body three times.
8 To pass the hands over the whole body and message the body.
9 Not to face the Qibla when performing ghusl. If performing ghusl you wear clothes then it is acceptable.
10 To perform ghusl in a place where you cannot be seen.
11 When performing ghusl you should not talk.
12 Not to pray anything.
13 It is Sunnat for the women to sit and do ghusl.
14 To get dressed quickly after ghusl.

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